SEO is an abbreviation for “search engine optimization”. Simply put, it means the process of improving your site to increase its visibility when people search for products and services related to your business on Google, Bing, and other search engines. The higher your page’s visibility in search results, the more likely it is to grab attention and attract prospects and existing customers to your business.
As a keyword search result on a search engine site, there is an extremely large gap in click-through rate and induction rate between the top page and the bottom page. In addition, the guidance itself from the search results of the search engine site does not incur costs unlike other advertising media, so it is extremely effective and important positioning for corporate sites. For this reason, there is a trend to realize these by analyzing the ranking algorithm that search engines display as search results based on search keywords and modifying and optimizing them to aim for high-ranking display of their own sites. This is search engine optimization (SEO).
The search engine targeted for optimization is often Google search due to its high market share (especially in the US). Since there are many users in Japan, Yahoo! search measures are also emphasized.
What is the need for SEO measures?
SEO and articles are often uploaded, but now I will briefly explain what SEO are. First, let’s say you set up a company that provides shops and services. For example, let’s say you open a ramen shop. What do you think about when attracting customers? Flyer? Internet (homepage)? Well, this is the first place. Flyers, this may be the first thing you can do to attract customers, but as those who have been given flyers know well, there is not much feedback for the cost. Attracting customers from the homepage, people do not come even if you make a homepage. I wonder why? People use Yahoo and Google to search for services and shops, don’t they? When you enter this, if your shop’s homepage appears on the first page, those who searched will definitely visit. SEO can help you with this.
You created your website because you want people to buy your product, subscribe to your service, or read your content. Whatever your goal, you want people to visit your website. “I think that’s the premise.”
Your website ranks first in searches. Users are much more likely to click on your website if your site is the top search result for any search term. But how do you make this happen? [Search engine optimization! SEO measures]. This is a great way to direct web users to your website for free. This is especially useful for small business owners who don’t have a lot of money to spend on advertising.
What determines rank height?
The rank of each search result is determined by Google’s various algorithms. And while some of Google’s algorithms remain secret, my years of experience in SEO give me insight into the most important ranking factors. These ranking factors can be divided into two categories:
On-page SEO factors (internal measures)
Page ranking is partly determined by factors on the page. An element on a page is anything on your website that you directly affect. These factors include technical aspects (including content-related aspects such as code quality and site speed) and website structure and website quality. These are all important on-page SEO factors that site administrators can work on. If you want to know more about internal measures in SEO, please read “What is internal SEO measures (on-page SEO)?”
Off-page SEO factors (external measures)
In addition to on-page SEO factors, ranking is also determined by several off-page SEO factors. These factors include links from other websites, social media visibility, and other marketing activities conducted outside of your own website. While not impossible, impacting these off-page SEO factors is harder than internal SEO strategies. The most important of these off-page factors is the number and quality of links to your site. The more quality and relevant sites linking to your website, the higher your ranking on Google. Another off-page factor that plays a role in SEO is the competition associated with a particular business niche. Some niches are much harder to rank than others. Therefore, market competitiveness also has a significant impact on ranking chances. If you want to know more about external measures in SEO, please read “What is external SEO measures (off-page SEO)?”
Holistic SEO – long-term strategy
We practice “Holistic SEO”. The main goal of Holistic SEO is to build and maintain the best possible website. Don’t try to fool Google. Instead, spend your time and effort on sustainable long-term strategies. If you work on improving your pages and creating a high quality website, your chances of ranking will also improve. After all, Google wants to give users the best results for their search queries, and the best results often have great content, are user-friendly, fast, and easy. must be able to access the To rank high on search engines like Google, you need an extensive SEO strategy that focuses on all aspects of your website and its marketing. Everything from technical aspects, user experience (UX) and website content should be top notch. To maintain your ranking on Google, you need to develop a comprehensive SEO approach. A holistic SEO approach not only favors rankings, but also helps users find what they need faster. And it’s also great for sustainability!
SEO measures – Summary
SEO means optimizing your website so that it appears higher in the search results of Google or another search engine. We believe holistic SEO is the best way to rank your pages. Don’t use tricks or shortcuts called black hat tricks as they will ultimately affect your ranking negatively. Instead, practicing sustainable SEO with your users in mind will pay off in the long run. If you want to learn more about SEO, check out our article on how to rank higher on Google.
Updated June 23, 2023